Friends Meeting
A Quaker Church

Welcome, and thank you for visiting Hadley Friends Meeting, a Quaker Church, online! We hope you find the information you are looking for and if you'd like to know more please contact us!
Our Mission
In the spirit of love, peace, and community, our Quaker meeting is dedicated to nurturing the light within each person. We gather, guided by Christ's teachings, fostering a welcoming space where individuals can share, connect, and serve in a spiritual community.
Sunday Morning services start with Sunday School at 9:30, with classes for adults and children, followed by Meeting for Worship starting at 10:30 every Sunday.
You can also watch from the comfort and safety of your home by live streaming our worship services at www.hadleyfriends.org/youtube
If you would like to join our Live/Zoom Sunday School classes contact us for the link to that site.